These years become the social developmental years of childhood. Children now have a good understanding of the routine and concept of the school process. Relationships with their peers become very important and sometimes the atmosphere can become very competitive. Teachers are very consistent with the expectations and the children are eagerly responding to their supportive guidance.
Religion: To Know, Love and Serve God. At the elementary level a deeper understanding of Faith, Church and Liturgy is developed. The children are now introduced to the concept of Church as all the people in the Body of Christ. This Body functions fully when all people are working together to love one another as God loves them. The children have the opportunity to take an active role in liturgy by reading, singing and serving. These events help the students experience and understand a faith life
ELA (English Language Arts): This content area further develops the reading, writing and listening abilities of the students. Reading becomes a tool to understanding every other content area. All the strategies of learning to read now are used to learn new vocabulary and develop ideas for critically thinking through problems. The ability to write concise answers, using grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and spelling strategies is developed across the genres. Students are given opportunity to write creatively and listening for detail is part of the problem solving technique.
Math: The spiral strategy of math instruction ensures that students are taught each concept and ample practice is given throughout each grade. The mastery of the order of operations enables the students to perform all the math tasks with considerable ease. As fractions and decimals become introduced into the content, students have the confidence to work on the problems successfully.
Social Studies: Students are introduced to a more global society and what communities look like in other parts of the world. There is a focus on New York State history and United States History in fourth and fifth grades. The students enjoy many projects related to this content and are proud to show how their families are part of and contribute to society.
Science topics reflect content in Life Science: Comparing Living Things, Reproduction and Change, Adaptations and Ecology.
Physical Science: Classifying Matter, Investigating Motion, Forms of Energy and Electrical Energy.
Earth Science: The Earth’s Resources, Climate and Astrology
The fifth grade includes The Human Body: Review of body systems. The scientific method and investigation is part of the learning experience
Enriched Curriculum Areas: Art, Health, Music, Physical Education, Technology
These subjects are part of the curriculum which enriches the child’s learning experience. These areas help the child learn about him/her-self develop strengths and interests. The children have many opportunities to express their individuality and explore these areas in a variety of ways.